CIVA - Centre for Innovative in Voluntary Action

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365 Ways to Change the World

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Not only is the internet changing the way we live our lives, it is becoming an indispensable tool for helping us change the world.

With just a click of our mouse, we can find out about almost everything… we can connect with other people and with other organisations … we can share our experiences, our knowledge and our ideas… we can meet up with other people… we can circulate our photographs and videos… we can engage in issues and get involved in discussions… we can collaborate with others to work on problems together, and together we will find that we can do far more than any single individual can… we can raise money, and we can also give money, sometimes at no cost to ourselves… we can add our point of view to discussion in the mainstream media or in planning a campaign, so that what concerns us and people with similar views is taken account of…  we can mobilise people around an issue or a cause… we can bombard powerful people with calls to action, to the point where they can no longer ignore us… we can even petition the Prime Minister or write to the President of the Free World.

“Change the World with your Mouse” by Michael Norton (also author of “365 Ways to Change the World”) will have 52 themes, each with several actions. It is being published in an innovative way… by crowdfunding the process.

We are looking for between 500 and 1,000 people to put up sums of £10 or more, who will provide the £10,000 that we require to get the book completed, designed, printed and published. In return, our investors will get a range of benefits, depending on the amount they have put up. For £10, they will get a free copy of the book (worth £12.50) when it is published… plus e-copies of part of the book to send to their friends… plus a share in the income that the book generates.

In return CIVA will get the money needed to publish the book, readers even before the book is distributed and a crowd of supporters interested in changing the world.
To invest in helping create “Change the World with your Mouse”, go to

Website by Copyright CIVA 2010
